Is Your Soul Mate An Animal?

This is Hamilton - a Wise Oracle from the Other Side . . . in the form of a SharPei.

Is that even possible?

Hamilton says it’s not only possible, it simply IS.

Over the years I have had many human clients who, upon the loss of their beloved animal, felt they could not go on. They could not function. They weren’t eating or sleeping normally and, frankly, many of them wanted to die themselves. A common thread was that they had never felt as close to any other being, animal or human, as they had to the particular animal they were then grieving for.

Last week I had such a client who lost her beloved Shar Pei, Hamilton,  very recently. Hamilton was only three years old, so my client was not only wracked with grief, but also wrestling with guilt about whether she could have saved him or not . . . or at least have prolonged his life a bit. She was completely inconsolable. All she could focus on was hoping he would come back to her, reincarnated as another Shar Pei inhabited by only his soul. She wanted only his soul back in her life.

Talking with Hamilton was one of the most amazing experiences I have yet had as an animal communicator. He is a very high soul with much to impart. I felt like I could have talked to him for hours.

You know the Buddhists believe that we humans can incarnate as animals. Now that’s a pretty darn large  and ancient spiritual sect, dating back long before our more modern religions, so who am I (or anyone else) to say this is not so. Having had more than one animal tell and show me previous lifetimes as a human, I certainly don’t feel qualified to refute this possibility.

So back to Hamilton.

Most of what Hamilton had to say was private, just between him and his person. But one of his most important messages was that the two of them could never be separated. And that we who are still in the physical must learn to trust and perceive beyond our limited bounds, for the connections with the departed are still there. Meditation was one technique Hamilton emphasized for his human to be able to “feel” that connection and his presence. Any time she wanted or needed to.

But the most surprising thing Hamilton told us was that he and his person were soul mates. And that that was why she was feeling the way she was feeling. He explained at length how people often feel this way about other people, but that it can also pertain to those we are close to in animal form. He was definitely this person’s soul mate. No doubt about it. Period.

There was, obviously, a lot more detail in our discussion, but I was definitely mind-blown from this revelation. I had never had an animal spirit address this relationship before, much less proclaim that it exists.

Do I believe it? Yes. I think I have an animal soul mate in my life right now. I guess I just hadn’t expressed it that way . . . even to myself. It’s a beautiful thing. Deep beyond belief. And I’m so glad to have Hamilton’s reassuring words about this. I will keep them in mind as I go through the coming years, for both myself and my wonderful clients, who will hopefully find comfort in Hamilton’s message.




38 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Leta Worthington, Alan Joel, Crazy Bobbi Jones, Stephanie Yeh, Leta Worthington and others. Leta Worthington said: Is Your Soul Mate An Animal?: This is Hamilton – a Wise Oracle from the Other Side . . . in the form of a SharPe… […]

  2. 2

    Kim S said,

    Thank you Leta for this post. Beautifully written, and a wonderful tribute to precious Hamilton….i hope that this will heal someone else’s pain and suffering over the loss of their beloved pet as well.

  3. 3

    cheshirecatman said,

    This is so true. It’s gratifying to read one’s beliefs echoed in other people’s experiences.

  4. 6

    maria said,

    A soul mate can indeed be animal, a soul mate is the special bond felt between two souls. I have just lost mine a month ago today, and to feel like many other people, Im lucky and can i feel her presence around me, but there is now an emptyness inside of me that physically hurts, I sit there and think of how many years i have got to live on with out her (in my 30’s), she was ment to live at least as long as me or thats how it felt…

  5. 8

    kim s said,

    I am sorry too Maria, I still miss Hamilton every day, some are better than others. My children got me an engraved glass box for Xmas and in it are his ashes, his collar, his picture and his reading from Leta. I still say good morning and good night to him and sometimes it still hurts like it was yesterday. I know he is still with me because he is still in my heart. I am glad there are other people who feel this bond and hope you can feel it again someday. God bless.

  6. 9

    Pam said,

    I came searching for information about a human, animal soul mate connection because I have never heard of such a thing only human soul mates. Well let me tell you my dog is my soul mate, I have a connection with her that I never imagined possibly it is so strong that I know she is more than just a pet, it’s even on the verge of being a psychic connection, I cherish this relationship because it is an experience I never dreamed possible, a true gift!

  7. 11

    Heather said,

    Leta, I am grateful to you and for your blog. I lost my soulmate kitty, Tony a little less than two weeks ago. He was only 9 and I am beyond devastated to be separated from his spirit. I would be okay knowing, in a concrete way, that I would be able to be with him again in the future. I’m not whole without him and to exist separately, in different realms, as we do right now – feels tortureous. I have a wonderful family and two kids but he was absolute love of my life; my soulmate. Additionally, he was mentally disabled (cerebellar hypoplasia) and I just have no idea how he is coping with passing away. I wish I was there with him to let him know that it’s okay or to help him understand… it’s the injustice of not having that something substantial to know we will be reunited – whether it be on earth again or when it’s my time to cross over. I have found so much comfort from some of the stories on your website and it’s given me a little bit of hope for the possibility of a future together again with my buddy. Thank you so much for your love and connectedness to our animals.

    • 12

      Heather, your story just breaks my heart. I can feel that Tony was one of those rare special ones that come into our lives. Not that we don’t love them all, but it does seem like there are individual animal spirits who are more linked to us than others. I’m glad if the site gives you comfort, at all, as I know nothing really can fill the hole in your heart. You might try meditating with Tony, getting quiet and connecting your heart to his through the visualization of a laser-type beam from your heart to his, through which you can send love, feel his love, and send messages back and forth. Somewhere on the blog I have that exercise written up … perhaps under the topic of lost animals. I am so very sorry for your loss and hope you can come through these next few weeks whole. You might take a look at Teresa Wagner’s website too. She is an animal communicator who specializes in grief, and she has a lot to offer on her site. She is a wonderfully compassionate person as well. All the best to you, my dear. And thank you for sharing here. Leta

      • 13

        Heather said,

        Leta, thanks so much for your sweet thoughts. It has become clear to me over the last few days (maybe by my spirit guides or maybe by Tony) that his reincarnation is dependent upon me. Is that something that you have heard of before? I’m not exactly sure what that means or what I need to do, but I know that it is in my hands at this point. I was curious if you have come across anything having to do with reincarnation based upon something required of the animal’s owner. Also, I’ve looked for your meditation link and only found the one for a lost animal as opposed to a spirit animal. Where can I look for it? Thanks so much for your help!

      • 14

        Hi Heather, No I have never had a case that had this twist to it. It’s very interesting, and I don’t really know what to say about it. I get the feeling that what there is to be known about it might come from Tony himself. Wow. Let us know what happens! Hopefully this link will get you to the heart-to-heart meditation I spoke of (you may have to cut and paste), and I wish you all the best! leta

        A Heart-to-Heart Meditation to Help You Find Your Lost Animal

  8. 15

    Jennifer said,

    Thank you for writing with such love about animals. My beloved cat, Rommie, died last week. I miss him terribly. I had a very special connection with him from the first day we got him. I felt an overwhelming love for him and I think that he felt the same way about me. Even though he had a fairly long life (11 years), I always thought that he would live a little longer and be a playmate for my future children. I would love to know that he is okay or even planning to come back into my family’s life some day. I have been looking for signs of him, but I have to say that I don’t really feel him in the house at all and it makes me sad. I have noticed, however, that our remaining cat has taken to sitting on my lap in exactly the same position that Rommie always did. It really comforts me.

    • 16

      Thanks so much for posting, Jennifer, and I feel your grief and wish you many blessings. In my experience, animals often go for a week or two after passing to a place where they seem to be almost put to sleep during a healing/clearing process. This can depend on their state, physically/emotionally/mentally, when they left, so some seem to “sleep” longer than others. So I wondered if Rommie may have been in this place these last couple of weeks, where you would not be able to sense or tune into him. Then again, some animals hang around and some don’t. Some leave immediately and go to the light and you won’t feel them. I know it is comforting to know they are okay, and you may yet see him in a dream or receive a sign that he’s doing well, so don’t be surprised at anything. Thanks again, both for visiting the blog and for commenting. Leta

  9. 17

    Kim S said,

    I have not been on in a while, life has a way of getting away from you. I am so glad people are feeling the same kinship with their pets as i did with Hamilton. I still miss him so much but am at peace. I have a new puppy, he was born 12/26 his name is Kahlua. Although i wanted a Sharpei, Kahlua is not, but he is a tremendous source of joy. I know that in him hammy lives to some sense. He has a lot of the same habits and quirks as Hamilton, eating, sleeping, playing and responses to me. Sometimes he looks at me and i “feel” like i am looking at hammy. Then he will do something NOT like hammy at all and remind me that he is his own being and i need to love him as much as my memories of hammy. I was not sure i wanted another dog, certainly not so soon, but he showed up out of no where and i could not say no. For everyone who has lost a pet know that the pain subsides, the memories live on and there can be joy in a new member of your family. If hamilton is correct we are and will be together again in some way, and always as we ARE SOUL MATES. Thank you Leta for your posts.

  10. 18

    Elaine Zuniga said,

    I would like to talk to you about. Could you PLEASE contact me. I truly need help .I believe this has happened to me with my dog Zena who passed away on December 11th. PLEASE help me with this. Everything you said was like you were talking to me and it was Zena not Hamilton
    Thank you,

    contact me at

  11. 20

    Pam said,

    I lost the love of my life the week of Christmas. We were together for 12 years and now…every day seems to be a struggle. I’m still crying almost everyday and when I start it’s hard to stop. My Lucy Liu was the first dog I ever welcomed into my life. Our hearts and souls were connected, no doubt. I had to make the decision to end her suffering and now wonder if I did the right thing. She had lived a good amount of time with congestive heart failure and we were at the point where nothing else could be done, according to the vet… other than a heart transplant. I feel so lost. It’s hard to care about anything. In the hardest times, I wonder just how am I supposed to go on without her??? We did everything together, went everywhere together. Now everything reminds me of her… and I get so sad. sometimes I even think about dying. i’m not sure but maybe we’d be together then… i wish i could go back and give her better care and more attention tho i think i did pretty good, i could have done better. what do i do now? i have not come across anything that relieves my pain at all. do i have to just hurt til i don’t anymore?

    • 21

      It is the hardest thing to remember, but our animals are so grateful when we help them on their way when they are suffering. So even though it is natural to second-guess the action you took, rest assured you did the right thing for Lucy Liu. I am so, so sorry for your loss. So many of my clients and blog readers are in so much pain from losing their beloved special animals that I am going to write a little book on it soon. I know there is nothing that can help with the grief, especially during those first several months, but I’m hoping that knowing others share the same pain and doubt can be helpful. Meditate on Lucy Liu and see your hearts connected with love. She’ll feel it. Even though you can’t see and feel her, you are still together in spirit – never doubt that. Blessings to you, Leta

  12. 22

    My soul mate is a wonderful kitty gent who is now in the Afterlife. He has been in the Afterlife since June 20, 2012. Now he visits me nightly when I read books in our bed. I see his wonderful shimmery form and feel peace and pure love. Last week he laid on my legs. I felt an electric peace and love (hot and cold at the same time) that I KNOW is the love we all have to look forward to in the Afterlife. This is not a sexual/romantic feeling…it is a billion times GREATER! This precious gent is my eternal soul mate. Who says that a human MUST have another human as a soul mate?!

    • 23

      Hi Anikka – I couldn’t agree more! Who is to say who our soul mates are?! And it is such a blessing when we can feel each other despite our states of being, and even when one of us has passed. Makes me so happy to read this, and it reminds me of what I used to feel when my sweet female black cat, Seka, used to jump up on my bed and cuddle down on my legs before I went to sleep–only she was in the afterlife. Didn’t matter! The feeling was the same. Thanks for posting. Leta (Oh, by the way, I have transferred all my blogging to my website, so it’s now at: ) and I will probably copy your post and put it over there so everyone can see it.)

      • 24

        I would be HONORED if you publish/post my story. Maybe we can let those who are grieving KNOW that even when their fur or feather Soul Mate goes to the Afterlife? They STILL come and be with us…and, as is my case? MORE often! My precious fur gent Soul Mate was a feral kitty but NOW he is strictly INDOORS! Seems that now he is in spirit form has enabled him to come very often to be with me! Bless you, dear lady for all you do for everyone!!!

  13. 25

    Floy Goodwin said,

    I know exactly what you are going through.. I’ve never physically grieved for a pet so hard until I lost my little man. I lost him early early Saturday morning A dog chased him off my porch and he got scared and went into the road. I was crushed. I found him within minutes because something felt wrong. I bolted out of the house. My heart sank and I went hysterical.. not a day has gone by that I haven’t cried, hard and long. I am going out of my mind and I am a nervous wreck,. I do not even know how to deal with this. I was down on my knees begging for him to reincarnate and come back to me. Even as I write this I start to cry. (i am far from a cryer) but there is just a connection that I lost and I feel empty and broken.

    • 26

      Floy Goodwin said,

      I just want to drop a line and say.. I’ve had many many animals. I rescue animals and care for a lot of them. My little man came to me 5 years ago the same way.. Why would this one be a stronger connection than the rest? And why do I feel “distant” from my other furry buddy? Why would he be taken from my life so quickly? .. It physically hurts me to be apart from him.

    • 27

      Hello Floy,
      Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. And I can feel your pain. Would you mind posting your story again on my active website, where I now keep my blog? That’s where readers will find it, so I’ve been slowly trying to shift all posts and comments to that site instead of this one. The link to this article there is, and thanks so much for going to the trouble. I will answer you more fully “over there.” Leta

  14. 28

    Moon Child said,

    I was very inspired by this post. Lucky, my much beloved shih tzu, returned to spirit back in January. He was 15 years ‘young’ and had been with me for almost twelve of those years. I took him on road trips. He’s traveled with me to Mexico and the Caribbean. Just a few days ago I was pondering why his passing is impacting me so much. And it came to me that Lucky is a soul mate to me. He was always very open to reiki and would sit still and relaxed whenever I would perform it on him. He trusted me completely and watched me to the point that years ago, he tried t walk off of a grooming table to get to me when he saw me through the plate glass window at the grooming salon. I had told my mother on a few occasions that Lucky was a ‘very spiritual dog’, at which she would just chuckle. I miss his physical presence so very much. His passing is providing some lessons which go beyond ‘the run of the mill’ generalized life lessons. These are deeper searches and and a continuing journey for me.

    • 29

      Hello Monique,
      Thank you so much for posting, and I am so sorry to be responding so late. I just now found your comment, as it is on an old site of mine. My blog posts are now at should you like to continue following posts on this topic (all the old blog posts are up at that location as well). Your comments are very wise — I do think our animals have lessons for us that go far beyond what we are normally taught in our daily lives through conventional history and religion. You are definitely tuned in, and I wish you well. And am so sorry that you and Lucky are apart physically at this time. But remember… you can never “lose” each other and will always be connected. Blessings to you and thanks again for posting.

  15. 30

    Claire said,

    I love this post. Thanks for sharing! I have an animal soulmate 🙂

    • 31

      Hi Claire,
      Thank you for posting, and I’m so glad if you enjoyed the post. I’m sorry to be responding so late, but I just now found your comment because it is on my old blog site, which I am slowly trying to phase out. My new site is and my entire archives of blogs is up on that site too, should you like to follow along. Thanks again so much for sharing!

  16. 32

    Sandra said,

    I am convinced that my 9 month old Tuxedo, Mr. Ricky, is my human soulmate who died(possible suicide) December 18, 2011. Would like to know if you can talk to Ricky, and find out….Thank you in advance for any help!!!
    Ricky was found in a garage at about 4 weeks of age. He has been with me since early October, 2012. I was told by someone who saw the way Rick interacts with me, that he ” loves me very much.” After Derek died, one of his friends, told me that Derek ” loved me very much.”

  17. 33


    According to Norse Legend, the sacred Rainbow Bridge called Bifrost connects the realm of humankind) with the realm of the Gods. It is also known as the “Bridge of Gods”.


    By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
    Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
    Where the friends of man and woman do run,
    When their time on earth is over and done.

    For here, between this world and the next,
    Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
    On this golden land, they wait and they play,
    Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

    No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
    For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
    Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
    Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

    They romp through the grass, without even a care,
    Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
    All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
    Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

    For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
    Together again, both person and pet.
    So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
    The time of their parting is over at last.

    The sadness they felt while they were apart,
    Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
    They embrace with a love that will last forever,
    And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

    • 34


      Over the years, many have asked us what happens when animals pass into the Spirit?
      We could answer this question very simply by stating that animals are spirits, as we are spirits. They are born, they live, they die, and they come back, again and again, into earthly bodies. In Spirit, they experience very much the same type of growth that we humans do.
      To some, this may seem distressing. After all, humans are supposed to hold a very special place within creation; well, indeed we do. But this does not mean that we humans are the only living spirits in God’s great Kingdom of Spirit. Animals are spirits; plants are spirits; even the rocks and minerals of the earth have some form of spirit life within their bodies.
      But, what about animals? Are they, in fact, like us humans? The answer to this question is both YES and NO. Most of whom we would consider to be members of the wildlife kingdoms belong to what is known as group souls. They have not experienced what Ancient Wisdom calls “individualization”; that is, one spirit/soul to one body. They tend to travel as a group oversoul and incarnate, jointly, within many different animal bodies. For instance, one hive of bees may, in fact, be one group spirit/soul incarnated within all of the individual bees.
      In the Bible, when it says that God gave us “dominion” over the earth, it means that our task is to take care of the earth and her inhabitants. Part of that responsibility is to help members of the “lower” kingdoms move along in their spiritual progression. We do this by showing, through example, what it is to love, to sacrifice, and to think and reason with logic. This influences members of the Animal Kingdom and inspires them to be more “human-like” in their interactions.
      We all know of great men and women whom we wish to emulate. These great people walk the earth with wisdom, love, and charity. We observe their kindness and wisdom, and that inspires us to want to be more like them, because we see something in them that we have not yet attained in our lives.
      This causes us all to grow and move along. This is why God sends us such great men, women, prophets, and masters, from time to time. Thus it is with us and animals. They share life with us, and a little bit of us “rubs off” on them. This causes them to grow and move along in their journey.
      At some point, these animals will want to become even closer to us humans; they do that by planning, as spirit, incarnations which will bring them into close human contact. They do this primarily by becoming domesticated. These are the multitude of pets which we humans receive into our care and custody.
      In this respect, these animals become even more intimate with humans and share in the “human family” experience. This causes them to learn, even more, about love, dedication, loyalty, responsibility, and all the other characteristically human traits.
      Eventually, certain animals will have achieved a high enough level of human-ness to make what can be considered a quantum leap in their spiritual growth and evolution. They separate from their group and become individualized spirits and souls. That is, they are no longer dependent upon the group. They are totally separate souls and spirits, just as we humans are. Each spirit incarnates into one body. There is no sharing of experiences or of bodily forms.
      At this stage in their development, their progression is very similar to that of humans. They incarnate, reincarnate, develop experiences (as domesticated animals), and become more and more human-like in their character.

      They learn to love with greater passion; think with greater focus; plan, with greater ability; and, generally, become more and more human in their overall behavior. Many people comment on how human their pets seem to be. The fact of the matter is: they are becoming more human in nature.

      • 35

        Sit or lie down comfortably and quietly in a place where you will not be disturbed.
        Breath deeply and calmly, letting go of any tension you may feel in your body as you breathe out. As you continue to breathe slowly and deeply, notice your body. Fill for any tension in your head and let it go as you breathe out. Notice your neck and shoulders, and your arms and hands. Let go of any tightness as you slowly let out your breath.
        Feel your back and chest, belly, hips, and buttocks, and release any uncomfortable sensations. Move your awareness though your legs, feet, and toes, and fully let go. Feel yourself breathing peacefully, fully relaxed and tenderly connected to the ocean of Light and love.
        If at any time during the meditation you get worried or anxious, go back to the awareness of your breathing and let goof the troubled feeling as you exhale.
        Now, picture your departed animal companion as you knew him on Earth, in his elder years or perhaps as a young animal. Picture him joyful and bright, and willing to communicate with you. Let yourself be open to his presence.
        Feel your heart opening and connecting to your animal companion in spirit. Let your animal companion, now in spirit, enter your open heart and contact you. Feel his energy. Feel his presence. Let yourself be aware of how close or distant he feels. Feel a circle of communion connecting and surrounding the two of you. Allow yourself to feel, express, and release any emotion that comes up.
        When you are relaxed, with your heart and mind open and receptive, sense whether your animal companion would like to give you a message. Accept it in whatever form it comes, perhaps as a though, a feeling, a sensation of warmth or energy, a verbal message, or a sense of simply knowing what he wishes to convey to you. Acknowledge his presence and communication. Feel his closeness. Allow yourself to be open to engaging in conversation with your animal companion.
        Ask any questions you wish of your animal companion — perhaps about how is he doing now, any questions you have about his death, and any thoughts about his experience of the spiritual dimension. Ask about his plans for the future. Imagine that you can receive the answers to your questions from your animal companion and are receiving them now.
        Be open and relaxed as you listen attentively through all your extended senses. Breathe deeply. Let go of any anxiety about receiving answers. Take your time and accept whatever feelings, connection, or communication comes to you. If you are not aware of any contact, don’t pressure yourself to experience it. You may need to grieve further and express your emotions before you can be receptive to communication or contact with your beloved animal companion. Your animal companion may still be orienting himself in the spiritual realm and may not be quite ready to communicate. Simply be present with your breath and enjoy the communion of thinking warm thoughts and sending good energy to your animal companion in spirit.
        End the exercise when it feels right. Let the feeling of warmth and connection that you experienced during this meditation remain with you.

        Remember, you can tap into it whenever you wish and continue to communicate with your dear one who has gone on.

      • 36

        Thank you so much for sharing these posts, Sylvia. You and I are certainly in tune with each other’s thinking and philosophy! I will be posting these on the main site, where my blog is located now: I hope you will go there and post again. (This site, where you have posted this time, is an old one that is not as easily accessed or followed, and I do not post new blogs at this URL any more.) Thanks again! Leta

  18. 38

    Erica said,

    My beautiful dane was my soul mate and I guess always will be. I miss her every day and it hurts to live without her. She was the best friend I could ever have.

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