Is Your Pet’s Food Making Him Sick? Try Adding Blue-Green Algae.

One Sick Puppy!

One Sick Puppy!

I’m sure no one reading this blog would be guilty of this, but quite a few folks still buy poor quality pet food for their beloved animals. Mainly because it’s cheap. And they would never dream of feeding supplements, much less a super powerful one like blue-green algae.

You would think we would be beyond this uneducated point by now, but I guess when you consider the general level of nutrition among humans themselves it’s not that surprising that they don’t know much about or invest in good food for their pets.

Hopefully the tide is turning and more and more animals will benefit from good nutrition as each year passes. We are extremely fortunate to have growing numbers of high-level nutritional pet foods these days, as well as easy access to finding and procuring them via the Internet. There is also a myriad of fine supplements available, including my favorite, of course, blue-green algae.

People always seem amazed at the number of animals I have and the fact that I spend almost zero on vet bills. Let’s see, I now have 3 horses, 5 dogs, 1 cat, and 7 chickens. And that number is actually down from the 30-something I had 3-4 years ago when I was also raising a few head of cattle in Texas. No vet bills then either.

Aside from the requisite vaccines early in life to protect my brood from  major diseases, and parasite protection as needed, my animals rarely see or sniff, much less ingest, a drug or chemical. This is the polar opposite of many of my clients’ animals who are on regular medication. I have friends and clients who are spending literally thousands of dollars regularly on their animals and still can’t get them healthy! Could this be correlated with the fact that they’re not spending a dime on high quality pet food or supplements like blue-green algae? Alas!

How can this be changed?

Unfortunately, even with good nutrition, once too many chemicals are introduced into the body a rather deadly cycle begins. The more times an animal is on antibiotics and/or steroids or other drugs, and the more they are over-vaccinated (which is still prevalent in our country), the harder it is for their immune system to bounce back after illness. Good nutrition is critical in this scenario, and extra support in the form of supplements like blue-green algae  is usually necessary as well to help the body return to stasis when it has been stressed by drugs on top of illness.

Don’t get me wrong. Modern medicine is one of the greatest blessings in the world, and we should all turn to it when we really need it! I sure do. But the bottom line is: DON’T run to the vet for every sniffle or limp. Instead, beef up your animal’s diet and add micro-nutrients like blue-green algae to it to help your animal’s body fight off the offending bug or injury on its own. Every time it is able to do this without drugs, it only gets stronger. Drugs may calm the symptoms, but the body DOES have to deal with them separately by clearing their attendant side effects via the kidneys and liver — using energy for that process instead of for healing. The liver and kidneys then suffer as well, and they are two of the most important organs for sustaining life.

So what do I feed my animals? The highest quality foods I can find for each species . . . plus — you got it — blue-green algae supplements for everyone. You can find many healthy pet foods these days — online if not locally, so do your homework and learn all about it. For starters, avoid labels with chemical preservatives and “by-products” (a harmless sounding little phrase that can hide a thousand ills). And to make double sure they’re getting everything they need do try adding blue-green algae. You’ll notice a difference and in the long run your pocketbook will too!


Read all about how to feed the algae to your animals HERE, and if you’d like to try some HERE’S how to order it! And you can read about my personal experience with the algae (because, after all, it IS for humans too) at HOW BLUE-GREEN ALGAE HELPED HEAL MY ALLERGIES.


4 Responses so far »

  1. 2

    Elaine Zuniga said,

    I would like to give this product for sure to my dogs but I can’t afford to buy all of them. So which one would be the best to give? Could you also give me the second on3?

    • 3

      Hello Elaine – I’ve tried to email you, but my emails bounce back. Can you please email me privately at so we can “talk” more easily about what product you should give your dogs? Also, I see that you have made a $100 PayPal deposit, which usually is what people do when they want an animal communication consultation. So if you email me, we can get it all straightened out, and I can help you with the algae as well as with an animal communication session, if you do indeed want one. Hope I can help! And thanks for posting! Leta

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    […] Is Your Pet’s Food Making Him Sick? Try Adding Blue-Green Algae […]

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