Archive for Elephants

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FollowTheLeaderThank you so much for following this blog about animals and animal communication! I wanted to let you know, however, that I have moved the entire blog to my main website and that is where new posts appear. I hope you will hop on over there to catch up and sign up to follow me at that location. And if you have a blog too, please put that in the comments there so I can check it out. Thanks so much! LetaSignature

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Animal Communication – How Do Animals Perceive?

The Skull of a Giraffe

The Skull of a Giraffe

This is a big, big question, and one that is receiving more and more study and attention as time goes by. Learning more about how our planetary co-habitants perceive and understand their environment offers us humans invaluable information for moving forward both scientifically and sociologically.

I am certainly no scientist — not even close — but I find this question a fascinating one so am interested not only in the results of ongoing studies, but also in anything my animal communication clients can share with me on the subject.

We human animals have virtually tuned out any modes of perceiving except through the five senses we depend on most: seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Not so with other species. While most of them share the “big five,” many also have other means of receiving information. Or their use of their five senses is keener or differently honed.

For instance, it is a widely known fact that both dogs and cats have a kitten smellingsense of smell that is phenomenally greater than a human’s, and in fact they often use this sense first in determining the nature or identification of an object or person. This heightened sense of smell is often reflected in my animal communication sessions. Just recently, Joseph, an alpha male cat in a household of three plus two dogs, told me he was not allowing the petsitter to see him while he was in her care because he didn’t like her smell. We can’t change that person’s smell, but explaining to him the importance of her laying eyes on him so she’d know he was all right did help solve this problem.

Similarly, my Mustang mare, Bella, has always relied on her sense of smell to gather information — about everything. She always sniffs people’s hair before deciding what she thinks of them, and this was, in fact, the very first thing she did with me when I traveled to Colorado several years ago to pick her up. One thing she is looking for, she tells me, is any hint of fear or anything to be fearful of, as her wild-animal instincts still rule her actions.

Many times in my practice animals have shown me what they “see” whenghosts something is amiss that their person can’t figure out. What they show me usually looks like vibrational waves or  cloudy fog and represents everything from ghosts, to vortexes, to contaminated auric fields around humans. They may look something like this picture and generally do not have any color.

What about other ways of perceiving? We know whales and dolphins communicate through sonar. And a current study is underway about the meaning of the vibrational messages elephants may be sending when they stamp the earth with their feet.

I took the picture of the giraffe skull a few years ago in Africa and was utterly fascinated by the big knob on its forehead. When I asked our guide what it was for, he was clearly at a loss and told me no one knew . I haven’t found the answer to that yet (if anyone does or knows, please get in touch), but to me it appears obvious — another sonar device, for exactly what purpose I can only imagine, the giraffe’s head being located so high up in the air. Maybe communicating with UFO’s?

If one of your animals is acting strangely, or you notice behavioral changes, please keep in mind that there are possible and probable answers that exist that you and I would never be aware of. Give your friend the benefit of the doubt and ask him to try to tell or show you what is going on. And if you still feel at a loss, consider asking for help from someone who does animal communication. You may be amazed to learn what your animal friend is perceiving, and how.



Can Cats See Ghosts?

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The African Elephant — A Nation in Peril — Part Two

My Painting of Benny

My Painting of Benny

Enter “Benny,” one of the rescue elephants at Abu Camp. The camp is dedicated to rehabing elephants who have been in captivity, or rogue elephants who are being relocated, and returning them to the wild, and while they are in “rehab” they become part of the safari team. Benny was the oldest, biggest male on the team, over 40 and probably near six tons in weight, and had been at Abu several years when I met him. He had been brought from a zoo in America, where he had lived alone, on concrete for most of his life. He had become so neurotic he had sawed both his tusks off and caused neurological damage to one ear so that it was permanently folded forward.

When Benny first came to Abu his balance was so poor he had trouble walking on normal ground (not flat concrete), and he was scared to death to get in the water. And remember, elephants LOVE water! He was extra sensitive and the mahouts (the native handlers) took special care with him and extra precautions when he was ridden.

As luck would have it, yours truly was the one chosen to ride Benny on the first day in camp . . .

As Benny rose to his feet, after kneeling so he could be mounted, bearing me aloft to a towering height, I could sense his insecurities and delicate nature. I wanted badly to reach down and touch him on the neck, and send him a communique of understanding and gratitude, but realized that even a light touch like that from his rider might distract or confuse him. The mahout riding in front of me, on Benny’s neck, was being so focused and careful, I didn’t want to make the slightest misstep that could throw Benny off.  So . . . hands off!

The ride was amazing and, even though I rode many other elephants during our stay, my time spent on top of the world — Benny — never came close to being matched.

Later that evening, I was asked by the camp management to communicate with Benny to see if I could help determine what they could do to help soothe his touchy digestive system (he often colicked). The talk I had with him later shook my world and left me depressed for days (yes, I did empathically take on too much of Benny’s feelings). His sad journey through life, and the desperation and pain he had experienced, rolled through me as he conveyed all that had happened. And this past was indeed what kept him in such a delicate state.

Many animals do not wish to revisit their past when it has involved abuse, discomfort, neglect, abandonment, or the many other unpleasant or downright horrible things they often subjected to. But not Benny. He wanted to pour out his heart, and was glad there was someone to listen. So he filled me up with pain — my choice — and I can only hope that it may have helped him empty his soul of it.

Benny cemented my dedication to the elephants, and, when I came home I began painting them in earnest. I love to paint, especially animals, but when I paint elephants my heart feels wide open and I can feel the energy of my subjects. I can only pray that conditions in Africa, for this important species on our planet, are managed and controlled in such a way as to insure its continuance. I mean, can you imagine a world without elephants?

The best part of this story is that Benny was finally released back into the wild and lived at liberty in his natural habitat the final years of his life. He did eventually meet his match in a battle with a wild bull elephant, and all who knew him have mourned his death, but at least we know he died in a way more natural to his ken.

It is my hope and prayer that all African Elephants be allowed to live and die in this natural way, and that we do our part to keep the species alive and well on our planet.


If you are interested in helping the African Elephant, please check out Elephants for Africa, a non-profit research organization run by Kate Evans whom I met during my time spent at Abu Camp. All proceeds from the prints of my painting of Benny go to this organization so that this awesome and unique species will not disappear from our world.

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The African Elephant — A Nation in Peril — Part One

A "Mock" Charge?! Sure Doesn't Feel Like One!

A "Mock" Charge?! Sure Doesn't Feel Like One!

In the late spring of 2004, my brother, myself, and two friends set off on a 4-week photography safari in southern Africa. A gift to me from my bro, bless his soul. As you can imagine, such a trip was a dream come true for someone like me who lives, eats, and breathes animals and practices animal communication. It was the trip of a lifetime and changed mine forever.

There were many surprises along the way, however, the first being the shock of what it feels like to be in a place where humans are waaaaaaaaaaay down on the food chain. THAT took some getting used to and was certainly an humbling realization.

The culmination of the adventure was our last stop, Abu Camp, an elephant-back safari camp where one rode elephants out into the wild each day instead of 4-wheel drive vehicles. I have always been fascinated by elephants, so this was the part of the trip I had been looking forward to the most — the elephant experience.

I was, therefore, understandably confused and dismayed when, upon our very first elephant encounter while driving from the bush plane to our first camp, our first day on African soil, I found myself terrified by a young bull elephant who charged our vehicle. It was a mock charge (I later learned — he was just showing off), but what I picked up intuitively was the energy of the entire breeding herd that we had inadvertently and carelessly driven right through the middle of. NOT something that is recommended! Lucky for us it wasn’t the herd matriarch who charged us!

Elephants in the wild in Africa generally do not like “man” because of the decades of culling them and killing them and kidnapping their babies. They are very smart animals, and their family structure is key to every aspect of their culture and survival. What we have done to them has ruptured their existence to the extent that The New York Times actually published a special section a few years ago about this very phenomenon, called “Are We Driving the Elephants Crazy?” The answer, unfortunately, is yes.  So, to put it simply, the elephants have it in for us.

My second day in Africa, on an after-dark “night drive,” we again inadvertently drove through a breeding herd. And this time a big female did take out after us and chased us as far as she could. “Terrified” does not begin to describe my feelings that night. While some in the Jeep were laughing hysterically, I really “got” this old girl’s message. If we had not been able to outrun her, she would have smashed our vehicle and killed whomever she could have. It happens all the time in Africa, elephants killing humans; you just don’t hear much about it.

So, after my first 48 hours in Africa, I was TERRIFIED of elephants in the wild!

…….. to be continued

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