Archive for Interspecies Communication

Hello, Blog Followers!

FollowTheLeaderThank you so much for following this blog about animals and animal communication! I wanted to let you know, however, that I have moved the entire blog to my main website and that is where new posts appear. I hope you will hop on over there to catch up and sign up to follow me at that location. And if you have a blog too, please put that in the comments there so I can check it out. Thanks so much! LetaSignature

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Learn How to Talk to Animals – A Practical Guide for a Magical Journey

Yes! My book by that same name is finally up on Kindle at! It should be in print on Amazon soon. AND, if you have a Kindle e-reader you can “borrow” it for free through Kindle’s new ADP Select program.

If you read it, will you please leave me a review? Here’s the book description:

Whether you aspire to be a professional animal communicator, want to talk to your own animals, or simply wish to understand animal communication better, this unique book is for you. Leta Worthington has distilled her 25 years of experience into an easy-to-read yet complete guide. Learn How to Talk to Animals answers commonly asked questions like: “What is animal communication?” and “How does it work?” You’ll find insights as to why opening the heart and learning to use the brain differently are important for ensuring success, and practical instruction for expanding your subtle awareness. Many other compelling topics, such as the dos and don’ts of animal communication, are covered as well, but if you’re eager to dive in you can skip to Part Two and start practicing with Leta’s step-by-step guidance. Verbatim case histories and fascinating true stories will spur your confidence and enthusiasm. This book is a one-stop-shop for anyone ready to experience the magical journey of talking to animals.

And stay tuned for my next book on animal afterlife and animal reincarnation. Thanks for visiting!

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Animal Communication Ethics – When to Cross the Line

Several years ago, a farrier in one of my beginning animal communication classes reported that a draft horse at one of the barns he worked at had been talking to him every time he was on the premises, telling him about the abuse she was experiencing. He had never heard of animal communication — certainly never studied it — so he thought he was going crazy and of course had no idea what, if anything, to do about this.

Likewise, one of my good friends, Kara, once found herself caught in a dilemma. Should she or should she not tell the owner of one of the horses at her barn what that horse had been telling her for two weeks?

One of the  “rules” most of us animal communicators follow, from  a code of ethics for the profession developed by Penelope Smith many years ago, reads: 

“Unless someone is in great immediate danger, I provide assistance through telepathic communication with nonhuman animals only where requested, so as to honor individual choice and privacy.”

(You can read the entire Code of Ethics HERE.)

So how do you know when to “cross the line?” Here’s my friend Kara’s story.

Kara was making nightly trips to the barn where she was boarding her mare, Sasha, in order to tend an injury the mare had incurred. It was mid-winter – cold, dark and dreary by the time Kara reached the barn. She usually found herself alone as she sat in the barn aisle, patiently waiting while her mare’s foot soaked in a bucket.

Another boarder in a stall nearby, a gelding we’ll call Jim, began calling to her every night, “Help me! Please tell my mom I need help.” Kara ignored Jim as politely as she could, because she had studied animal communication so was well aware of the above stated “rule.” And although she was quite gifted in animal communication, Kara had no intention of practicing it professionally. But being the compassionate animal lover and horse person that she was, Kara finally succumbed to Jim’s pleas and engaged with him enough to hear what he had to say.

Jim told Karen “I can’t breathe!”, and she “saw” and “felt” something in his throat. The message was very brief but very strong, and Karen felt certain she was hearing Jim accurately.

Kara didn’t really know Jim’s owner, Sally, but she had noticed that Jim had been having problems that interfered with his training. He could not be worked for any length of time, or very hard, without seriously overstressing him physically. But nobody could figure out what was wrong. Kara was also pretty sure that Sally was the last person on earth who would be open to hearing that her horse had “talked” to someone — anyone — and told them what was wrong with him. But Kara’s impressions from Jim were so strong that she decided to approach Sally and tell her what Jim had said to her. She figured she had nothing to lose.

“I know you’re going to think I’m crazy …,” she began, and she then outlined to Sally what Jim had told her. Sally glared, Kara persevered. She encouraged Sally to have Jim scoped, a simple inexpensive procedure, just in case there was in fact something in his throat. Sally did not respond and stormed away. But a few days later, saying nothing to Kara, she had her vet out, they scoped Jim, and, sure enough, he had a large benign tumor growing in his throat. The tumor was one that could be removed fairly easily, Jim recovered perfectly, and the problems with his training were solved.

This is a perfect example of how and when it is okay to “cross the line” ethically and hear out what an animal is trying to tell you, even if you don’t have permission. If the animal feels they are in trouble or danger, it is the humane thing to do. You may or may not be able to help bring a solution to their problem, but you can at least reassure them that you understand, and that you will do anything you possibly can to help them. And, believe it or not, sometimes it gives an animal a huge sense of relief just to know they have been heard. Some of them need to vent just like we do!

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Hanging Out With Matthew Wood

Matthew Wood

My herb teacher, mentor, and old friend Matthew Wood has been in town this past weekend to teach an advanced class in herbology. Matt is a well-known and gifted Western herbalist who has many published books under his belt as well as countless workshops and clinics over the past 20 years. I learned of his Santa Fe class when I saw a flyer in Herbs, Etc. in Santa Fe a few weeks ago, and I immediately contacted him to let him know I was living here. We hadn’t seen each other in over ten years, but as we speak he is snoozing away in my guest room before we head out to return him to the Albuquerque airport for his flight home.

How I met Matt is another one of those happy, synchronistic events — one of the most meaningful in my life.

For my birthday, many years ago, a dear friend gave  me Matthew’s first book: Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers. This is a small book reporting on the magical properties of seven flower essences and the incredible results Matt had seen when he treated clients with them. As with all of Matthew’s work, his knowledge, experiences, and writings include not only the scientific aspects of the plants he works with, but also the mystical and personality elements of each. Matthew views all living things as having intelligence and awareness — certainly the plant kingdom.

Seven Herbs was for me one of those turning points in life that have no explanation. I was spellbound. I was transported to another level of awareness entirely. And the book catapulted me into a totally different spiritual realm than I had ever experienced — one that treasures the holiness and blessedness of every living thing on earth. In a real, gut-felt way, not one that just gives lip service to a prescribed belief system.

I did two things right away. 1) I sent a 4-page, handwritten letter to Matthew, via his publisher, realizing he would probably never receive it (he did not). 2) I made my first flower essence from the Showy Primroses that were the first hints of spring at my country property that year.

And that was that, as far as reaching Matthew was concerned. Or so I thought.

The Universe had other plans. About 2 or 3 years later I was talking to someone on the phone when the topic of flower essences and Matthew Wood came up. She told me he was due to come to town (then Austin, TX) to teach, and that the person who was hosting him needed a place for him to stay and in which to hold the class.

Done deal! My country home was a perfect setting for workshops, and I had a nice private guest space to boot. The rest is history. Matthew came to Austin several times, stayed with me, and taught workshops out of my home. I learned more from Matt than I ever could have imagined and later opened an herb store in a nearby community that catered to helping people with herbal remedies in more ways than the usual taking of supplements.

Those were wonderful years. I made a set of 37 Hill Country flower essences and continued to expand my knowledge of the vibrational, spiritual, and nutritional aspects of the plants, as well as of their properties when in homeopathic form.

Having Matthew back in my life is such a gift. We not only have a great time hanging out together, but he is helping me with remedies for my back problems of this past year.

Now . . . if I can just get him out of here without his absconding with my precious little Chihuahua, Frida, whom he has fallen in love with! (Can you blame him?)

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Animal Communication — What IS It Exactly?

Leta & Cathy

When I was little, I used to make pretend voices and talk out loud for the animals in our household, telling everyone what they were thinking and how they were feeling. It was things like, “No, I don’t wike that food!” or “I want you to stay wid me,” but even though it was silly and simple and baby talk, it was all clear as a bell to me. I always felt I knew exactly how our animals were feeling and what they needed us to know. My older brother, cynical even at age six, would just laugh and shake his head.

This example is actually a very good representation of what animal communication is all about. It’s telepathic communication between a human and an animal, plain and simple, in whatever way one wants to translate it.

As a profession, animal communication has gained in popularity over about the last thirty years in the United States, and in practice harks back to indigenous cultures the world over. In North America, communing with all of nature, both flora and fauna, was second nature for the Indian tribes, and much later cowboy mythology touted those individuals who are now called horse whisperers. Talking to the animals has always been a part of human nature; but as science and technology have expanded, this natural link between species has become more and more obscured and therefore viewed with skepticism by many.

So what exactly IS animal communication?

For starters, think of it this way. If you are an animal lover, you were probably totally obsessed with and plugged into any animals that you were exposed to when you were a very small child. And you talked to them all the time — it was just second nature to you then.  No doubt there were many times you understood things about your animals that the adults in your life were missing. This perceptive ability is a natural gift we are all born with, but as we reach the “age of reason,” around 5 to 7 years of age, it is literally conditioned out of most of us because of cultural considerations, left-brain learning, and the expressions of disbelief by those around us.

This gift of being able to converse with the animals can be reawakened and “relearned” as an actual skill. And with a little time, patience, and practice it can come to feel as natural as it did when you were a child.

The process itself can best be described as a telepathic conversation — a dialogue between you and an animal. Although many of us do possess what would be called psychic perception, and that gift can sometimes kick in while one is talking to an animal, the basic animal communication process is not like a psychic reading. One does not look at an animal and divine everything about him, past, present, and future.

Instead, the animal communicator invites the animal into a discussion, then asks questions and listens carefully and compassionately to whatever the animal tells or shows him. Information is conveyed back and forth in a variety of ways: words, pictures, emotions, physical sensations, and more, which the communicator then “translates,” as carefully and conscientiously as possible, in order to retain the animal’s true message. He does not put his own spin on the story or allow his subjective opinion to influence what he hears. If he is doing his job well, he simply serves as a vehicle for enhancing communication and understanding between different species.

The professional practice of animal communication does require training, for it involves mediation and diplomacy when helping solve problems that exist between humans and their animals. But the basic process is the same, and it is quite simple. A sincere, direct conversation with someone you care about is what it boils down to.


Want to give it a try? Talk to Your Animals. Here’s How.

To order Leta’s book in a print or Kindle version, Learn How to Talk to Animals – A Practical Guide for a Magical Journey, go HERE.

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Animal Communication – It’s a Blast!!!

Is animal communication fun? You bet it is!

I’ve written a lot of posts about the pitfalls and obstacles encountered by the person on the path to practicing animal communication, the ethics that must be carefully observed, the difficulties involved in maintaining a “clear channel,” and so on. Enough already! Let’s focus on the good stuff!

No two ways about it: animal communication is a barrel of fun. You’re an animal lover, right? If you’re like most of us animal lovers, you probably have at least a few at home, perhaps of several different species. You probably enjoy spending as much time as possible with them and find them to be some of, if not THE, best companions you know.

If you’re an animal lover then it’s probably obvious to you why doing animal communication for a living would be fun. But here are a just a few of my favorite reasons:

1.  You get to meet a lot — and I mean a LOT — of interesting different animals who you’d probably never have an opportunity to meet otherwise.

2.  You get to meet a lot of interesting people too and make lots of new friends!

3.  You learn a lot about how different personalities operate, and this ends up being very helpful in your own life. Plus, it’s just downright fascinating.

4.  You get to help solve lots of problems for animals, which often means their lives become a lot better.

5.  You get lots of praise and thanks from the folks you help — always a good feeling.

6.  You have many opportunities, at animal shelters, etc.,  to do pro bono work and be of service in a unique way — and nothing makes one feel better than reaching out and helping others in need.

7.  As an animal communicator you’re in business for yourself. You can create your own schedule, work from home, and call the shots. Yippee!

8.  Offering the gift of animal communication, whether through a session or a class, often helps open up new horizons for other people, broadening their outlook on the world and enhancing their own understanding.

9.  You can choose your own area of specialty in regard to the kinds of cases you take and can therefore practice what you like to do best, AND what you’re best at doing!

10.  This is not top of the list, but it IS necessary, and yes, it is fun too:  You can make money.

There are lots more things that can be added to this list of why doing animal communication is fun, and I’m sure you can think of several  that are unique to you and your circumstance. Yes, there are lots of things to watch out for if you practice, but you’ll learn those along the way. So if you’re tempted to start an animal communication practice, I’d say go ahead and dive in! You’ll have lots of fun!

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Animal Communication – How Do Animals Perceive?

The Skull of a Giraffe

The Skull of a Giraffe

This is a big, big question, and one that is receiving more and more study and attention as time goes by. Learning more about how our planetary co-habitants perceive and understand their environment offers us humans invaluable information for moving forward both scientifically and sociologically.

I am certainly no scientist — not even close — but I find this question a fascinating one so am interested not only in the results of ongoing studies, but also in anything my animal communication clients can share with me on the subject.

We human animals have virtually tuned out any modes of perceiving except through the five senses we depend on most: seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Not so with other species. While most of them share the “big five,” many also have other means of receiving information. Or their use of their five senses is keener or differently honed.

For instance, it is a widely known fact that both dogs and cats have a kitten smellingsense of smell that is phenomenally greater than a human’s, and in fact they often use this sense first in determining the nature or identification of an object or person. This heightened sense of smell is often reflected in my animal communication sessions. Just recently, Joseph, an alpha male cat in a household of three plus two dogs, told me he was not allowing the petsitter to see him while he was in her care because he didn’t like her smell. We can’t change that person’s smell, but explaining to him the importance of her laying eyes on him so she’d know he was all right did help solve this problem.

Similarly, my Mustang mare, Bella, has always relied on her sense of smell to gather information — about everything. She always sniffs people’s hair before deciding what she thinks of them, and this was, in fact, the very first thing she did with me when I traveled to Colorado several years ago to pick her up. One thing she is looking for, she tells me, is any hint of fear or anything to be fearful of, as her wild-animal instincts still rule her actions.

Many times in my practice animals have shown me what they “see” whenghosts something is amiss that their person can’t figure out. What they show me usually looks like vibrational waves or  cloudy fog and represents everything from ghosts, to vortexes, to contaminated auric fields around humans. They may look something like this picture and generally do not have any color.

What about other ways of perceiving? We know whales and dolphins communicate through sonar. And a current study is underway about the meaning of the vibrational messages elephants may be sending when they stamp the earth with their feet.

I took the picture of the giraffe skull a few years ago in Africa and was utterly fascinated by the big knob on its forehead. When I asked our guide what it was for, he was clearly at a loss and told me no one knew . I haven’t found the answer to that yet (if anyone does or knows, please get in touch), but to me it appears obvious — another sonar device, for exactly what purpose I can only imagine, the giraffe’s head being located so high up in the air. Maybe communicating with UFO’s?

If one of your animals is acting strangely, or you notice behavioral changes, please keep in mind that there are possible and probable answers that exist that you and I would never be aware of. Give your friend the benefit of the doubt and ask him to try to tell or show you what is going on. And if you still feel at a loss, consider asking for help from someone who does animal communication. You may be amazed to learn what your animal friend is perceiving, and how.



Can Cats See Ghosts?

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Animal Communication in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Ben and His Shy Rescue, "Bear," 2 of Saturday's Participants

Ben Swan and His Shy Rescue, "Star," Two of Saturday's Participants


That’s what this past Saturday felt like to me — like I was caught up in a maelstrom of rushing energy that was taking me for a joy ride.

Saturday was the day I participated in a multi-pronged fund-raising effort benefiting a Santa Fe organization called Kitchen Angels, a non-profit group that has distributed more than half a million meals to the disadvantaged and ailing in the 17 years it has existed. Quite an amazing feat!!

My contribution to the effort was back-to-back, 30-minute animal communication sessions all day Saturday, with all proceeds going to the Angels.

I was so amazed and impressed by the enthusiasm and interest in the event and in animal communication, and each and every session was noteworthy and gratifying. People brought their animals to find out about everything from how they liked their food to why they have seizures. And the best part was that these folks were open and willing to consider new ideas and out-of-the-ordinary suggestions.

Having moved to the Santa Fe area only a year and a half ago, I continue to be awed by not only its  climate, staggering beauty, and history (S.F. is the oldest city in the U.S.), but by the great spirit of those who live here. There are over 400 non-profit organizations in this city of only 70,000, and many of  those are dedicated to animal welfare. The Santa Fe Animal Shelter itself is cutting edge and has become a model for many other shelters throughout the country.

Frankly, I had no expectations about the future of my animal communication practice when I moved to the Santa Fe area from Texas, where I had lived all my life. It was a major transition so I wasn’t even sure I would keep the practice alive. I viewed the relocation as a time-out phase I would use to pause and take stock of my goals, my passions, and my future while getting settled in my new home.

But as you can imagine, landing in a community that is so open minded and altruistic has caught me up in its own cycle of activities and made it obvious to me that my animal communication work is still at the top of the list in terms of my life work and my personal priorities.

In this new setting I am able to focus more on giving back to the animals and the community and less on a daily, one-on-one consultation practice — an unexpected but refreshing change and one that I hope will have a much greater impact over all. Participating in fund-raisers like Saturday’s, giving talks for other non-profits like Kindred Spirits (that’s next weekend), and even writing this blog, which I began after the move and is intended to impart useful information to animal lovers, have all been inspiring and uplifting new elements in my life.

Of course nothing can substitute for working directly with the animals, so Saturday was a joy. The spirit of the animals, and how they are there for us at every turn, will always be the greatest high and at the same time the firmest anchor for all of us animal lovers. As one little fellow adamantly proclaimed to me, about the couple who brought him:

“I want you to know that these are my people!”

Doesn’t that say it all?

Thank you, Santa Feans, for rising to the occasion and nurturing peace and abundance among all species. I feel very blessed to live in such a magical and welcoming community.


Once I decided to move to the Santa Fe area, the magic began:

Miracles Really DO Happen — at least they do to me . . .

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Animal Communication —– Getting the “BIG PICTURE”

this could've been Fanny, giving me and Susan the "big picture."

This could've been Fanny, giving me and Susan the "BIG PICTURE."

Once I had finally decided to set my sites on really and truly becoming an animal communicator, doors started to blow open. If you’ve read previous posts on this blog, you know that I believe that our will and intention are just about our strongest allies for manifesting thoughts into reality. Well …  and focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want. That’s super important too.

But back to those doors.

I will never forget the experiences I had in an advanced animal communication class after I had really set my intention to talk to the animals.

Information from the animals comes in many forms. Some of the most common are pictures, sounds, thoughts, words, emotions, and physical feelings. The first three are seen and heard in your mind, the latter two are actually felt in your emotional and physical body.

But there is another, larger, way of receiving information from animals, and that is what I experienced over and over again in the advanced workshop: getting the BIG PICTURE or the “gestalt” of the situation, all in one fell swoop. It’s like getting the whole chapter of a book at once instead of having to read line by line, paragraph by paragraph. It is the be-all-end-all — the whole enchilada.

In this workshop, we were working in pairs doing problem solving with pictures of animals brought by other workshop participants. Each pair didn’t know anything about the background of the animal’s problem, but the person who brought the picture did. The problem was laid out in detail to each pair, and then the pair sat silently with the picture and made their own individual notes about their conversation with the animal.

My partner was Susan, and she and I were working with a donkey, Fanny. I no longer remember the details Fanny showed us because this was soooo many years ago, but when we compared our notes we were dumbstruck because the story we each had gotten from the donkey was identical to the other’s! Needless to say, we were so excited we were about to wet our pants!

This happened over and over in the workshop, for almost every participant. We were all blown away, and our instructor was too. She had rarely seen this kind of sudden and overnight progress in her students. It was a super high, and each time it happened the person who brought the picture was able to confirm the information that had been received.

Wow! We were on our way to becoming real animal communicators!

What was happening in that workshop was that we were all,  for whatever reason, being blessed with the ability to get the big picture — or the gestalt — of the situation at hand. Some say (and I believe this, by the way) that there is an Animal Council of spirits that oversees the work of animal communication, and that its sanction is necessary to really doing a good job in the field. Our teacher that day felt the Council had placed a big rubber stamp on our particular class and blown open the doors for us to share, for the first time, the mind-blowing experience of “just knowing.”

You can label this kind of understanding as a “gestalt” experience or as “just knowing,” but either way it is the absolute best and most incredible way to receive information about any given situation with an animal.

That said, my clients LOVE the blow-by-blow, sentence-by-sentence translation I give them via written transcript of my session with their animal. I love those too. But getting the big picture is really where it’s at in terms of filling in all those blanks about what’s really going on, so if you work with an animal communicator, I hope you get this part of the (big) picture too.

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Do Animal Communicators Eat Meat?

"Yum!" or not yum? You decide.

"Yum!" or not yum? You decide.

Carnivore versus Vegetarian/Vegan:  This is one hot topic indeed. And many seem to think that we animal communicators who do eat meat are hypocritical and should go up in flames . . .  kind of like the steak in this picture.

Every animal communicator has been faced with this question, often in the form of a combative challenge. The scope of the answers given, and the rationales therefor, are as wide and diverse as the individuals who espouse them. In fact, the topic is so controversial, and the stance of animal communicators so varied, that it is the subject for one of the main discussions in the summer issue of Penelope Smith’s quarterly journal, Species Link. If this is an issue that seriously concerns you, you might consider ordering the current issue of this journal.

In a nutshell: the opinions of the animal communicators queried for this article range from “serious meat-eater with no qualms” to “would never eat anything I can talk to.” Actually, “no qualms” isn’t quite right, as I’ve never heard of a meat-eating animal communicator who isn’t terribly conscientious about the type of meat she puts in her body and who doesn’t also bless the animals for their sacrifice.

The question in your mind about right now, of course, is whether I, the animal communicator/author of this post, eat meat or not, right?

The simple answer is yes, I do, and with great blessings and gratefulness and no apologies. I, like many animal communicators surveyed, have Type O blood, for one thing, which is that of the original hunter gatherer amongst our ancient forebears (it was, in fact, the first blood type). But for me, also as for many others, there are health issues involved, including a tendency toward a life-threatening form of anemia.

In my case there are other reasons as well. Meat being one of the more grounding substances on the planet, I find I require it to keep myself from getting too spaced out and ending up wandering around in the ethers all day. Working in the psychic and telepathic realms does tend to make one spacey — some of us more than others, I would suspect. So, for me at least, a few ounces of heavy animal protein really facilitates my work.

But another reason I eat meat, I admit it, is that I plain out love it. I’m of the generation that was raised on it, and it is a serious part of my diet. As when growing up, when at all possible I prefer to eat wild game or family-caught fish, and indeed on the Texas ranch we kept such in our large freezers year-round.  I can attest firsthand how different meat tastes when killed humanely and quickly and with gratefulness than that of animals sent to slaughter. And I try to eat the latter as little as possible.

Lots of people would love to argue this question ad infinitum, which I  have no interest in doing — about anything really. But I leave those of you who adamantly oppose meat-eating with the following thought to ponder.

Plants are also living, breathing, intelligent beings. And it has been proven that they react to inhumane treatment, chaos, and neglect. One can certainly talk to them, and communicating with them in my practice has me and not just a few others convinced they are among, if not the highest form of intelligence on the planet. So next time you put a bite of lettuce in your mouth you might run through the objections you spout to those heartless meat-eaters and see how they apply to your own values and eating habits.

No matter what you eat, enjoy! EATING is one of the great pleasures we earthlings are privileged to indulge in, and I think we should all delight in every moment and aspect of it. And always, always, always bless your food and give thanks for it.


Here is my own brief, personal favorite food blessing and prayer. And if you hold your hands over your plate, palms down, while praying and blessing your food, you will feel living, universal energy flowing through them. I promise.

I give thanks for all the beings who gave of themselves to provide and prepare this food. And I ask that it be raised to the highest vibration level that is conducive to my digestion, assimilation, and elimination.

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