Do Dogs Believe in God?

Punkin talking to Heaven, just before she passed.

Do you think dogs have a concept of Heaven and believe in a higher power? Punkin the Shar Pei sure does.

I never thought about this question until I was talking to Punkin a couple of weeks ago. After a fairly lengthy struggle her body was shutting down, and her people wanted to help her avoid as much pain and suffering as possible. So they contacted me to talk to her about the option of euthanasia, and just to be sure she knew how dearly she was loved and treasured. We spoke to her both before and after her passing.

The sessions were amazing. I had talked to Punkin a couple of times in her early life, and those sessions were characterized by her insecurities and clinginess to Mary Kay, her mistress. It would never have occurred to me at that point that Punkin was a wise and old soul

When I talked to her again just recently, her deep wisdom and awareness were stunning. She talked at length about her life and life’s purpose and where she felt she had fallen short. She understood the dying process and was totally ready to go and thankful for the help. She knew for certain she wanted to come back, to the same family, as another Shar Pei, to further fulfill her darma. When asked why a Shar Pei, given the difficulties the breed is prone to, she referred to the breed as a race, and said:

Now let me address the Shar Pei issue that concerns Mary Kay and Mike. The Shar Pei embodies ancient wisdom that few other dog breeds contain. It’s in their DNA and genetic make-up. There are a few other breeds that possess similar information and wisdom, but each is specific to a different racial mindset and history. And the Shar Pei is one of the most ancient. It’s like a leg up on soul evolution. Anyone who comes back as a Shar Pei is ready to progress through at least some degree of suffering. There are parallels in the human world – those who choose to be born with great handicaps, for instance, or in certain areas of the world. Each form of incarnation has its own set of challenges, benefits, privileges, and so on.

After Punkin passed, I asked her who she’d been talking to in the picture of her looking up to Heaven. Her guides and angels, she said. Then I asked her if she believed in God, and here’s what she said to that:

Of course I believe in God. But God is in everything and it is easy to feel that energy in this state (here she meant in her spirit form). But also, there does seem to be a great source of light and energy that drives all of this, and I suppose that would be the source of it all. Is that God?

Such a precious and pure comment.

Punkin is now visiting her family and friends frequently, in the form of what she calls ‘flyers’:  birds, bees, butterflies, moths, dragonflies, and more. She is full of joy and determined to evolve ever higher in her awareness. And even though they miss her terribly, her family is full of joy as well just knowing that Punkin is so happy and free. And they notice and enjoy the frequent flyer visits they gifted with often.

Postscript:  After Punkin passed, Mary Kay sent me this picture of her as a puppy, looking out the window at Cuddles’ grave. Cuddles was the Shar Pei who preceded her. She again fixed an intent gaze on Cuddles’ grave after talking to her angels, just before she passed.



5 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Julie Lines said,

    What a beautiful story to share with us. Thank you so much.

    I am writing (channelling) a book with my soul team member Estelle, about the purpose of species. It will be launched soon as a blog to enable others to contribute their channellings from the collective consciousness of each species and within that sub species too. It would be wonderful if you would like to get involved in this project. Once we have a good selection of contributions we will get the book published.

    I think Punkin is just the most beautiful soul, what gentle, calm wisdom she offers us and how wonderful that she will return to the family. My Dad’s horse Spock passed this week, we all adored him. He showed me he would come back to be with me and would let me know it was him by nibbling my little finger. It is so reassuring to know even though, as you say, we miss our wonderful companions in their old physical form very much.

    As always, blessings and love to you for your wonderful contribution. Let me know if you are interested in getting involved in the blog and I look forward to your next post. XXX

    • 2

      Thank you, Julie. I’d love to see and hear more about your project so be sure and send me a link when the blog is up. The “purpose of species” sounds fascinating, really something to explore. I don’t know what I could contribute but would like to stay tuned and in touch and see what you are doing. Perhaps Punkin could even elaborate a little more on it for us. Thanks again for your comment. Happy spring there in the UK! Leta

      • 3

        Julie Lines said,

        Hi Leta, I definately will keep you posted. You mentioned the purpose of Shar Pei’s in your post and this is exactly what the blog book will be. We have been tuning in to the collective consciousness of different species and sub species to ask what their purpose is on the planet. It is the same concept as asking an individual soul, with quite wonderful outcomes. Give it a go! The purpose of the book is to help people to remember how important all species are on this planet and how we need to rebalance the planet for the future of us all. I think you would be an excellent contributor if you are willing. I think Punkin would offer some excellent wisdom on this topic too! Much love and I’ll send you the blog link as soon as its live. XXX

  2. 4

    Richard said,

    Thanks for sharing these moments and thoughts, Leta. It brought back my intense feelings for Duncan’s quick passing. I think about him often-nearly hearing him bark his wonderful greeting when I come home even now-remembering our last quiet moments together when he was still reaching out and comforting me as we were comforting him. I wish that we could have had more of your insight around those moments. It is a precious moment in time that I will hold in my heart forever.

    • 5

      Thank you for commenting, Richard. I know Duncan is still with you all in spirit, and probably in other forms as well, but it’s sooooo painful to be without their physical presence and it can often take a long, long time for that to dissipate. I’m glad you have all the other furry critters to entertain you and love you. xoxox, Leta

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