My Algae Story: How Blue-Green Algae Helped Heal My Allergies

Everybody who takes blue-green algae  has a story. This is mine.HayFever

I won’t say I never have a sniffle or a short bout of hay fever. but 18 years ago when I started eating blue-green algae, my poor immune system was shot and I was taking 6 allergy shots a week. Yes, SIX. Plus homeopathic drops, every antihistamine on the market, and who knows what other things prescribed by a doctor who was supposed to be the best allergy doctor in the state of Texas. In spite of all this, I was in a depressingly downward spiral with my allergies, and they were getting worse each year.

Severe allergies are due to an immune system response that has simply gone haywire. It’s normal and healthy to clear foreign particles or pollen from your nasal passages with a good sneeze — or even a series of them. But frequent, debilitating hay fever or other allergy symptoms, often resulting in a secondary  infection of some sort, is not. Unfortunately, the more your immune system reacts to one or two allergens, the more likely it is to react to others. Until finally it goes AWOL and starts reacting to all kinds of things that aren’t allergens at all, including to yourself and your normal biological makeup. This is when you get into auto-immune territory — dangerous territory indeed!

Fortunately, I was not to that point yet when I was introduced to Simplexity Health’s Super Blue-Green Algae. When I learned it was simply a very pure, wildcrafted food (not a supplement or drug), in single-cell form that really built up the immune system, I decided to give it a try. Why not? A month’s supply for me at the time wasn’t that expensive, since I decided to take only one capsule of blue-green algae per day.

And that’s what I did. One capsule of  blue-green algae a day.

Six months later my worst allergy season rolled around: August with its dreaded ragweed!! For years this had laid me low and I suffered and was sick for weeks on end, missing lots of work and generally feeling miserable. That year, O.M.G., I barely had any symptoms at all! I couldn’t believe it! I had cut way back on my shots months before because they weren’t helping, so there was nothing to explain the improvement in my allergies except the algae.

The next bad season arrived around mid-winter — Juniper/Cedar, most people’s worst allergy, and I didn’t feel a thing. Spring always brought several tree pollen allergies for me, but I sailed through it with few symptoms. And by the following August I had NO SYMPTOMS TO RAGWEED! A red letter day in my life and my health.

Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon is the Pristine Environment from Which Blue-Green Algae is Harvested

Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon is the Pristine Environment from Which Blue-Green Algae is Harvested

Naturally, I have kept blue-green algae in my life ever since as one of my dietary mainstays. I take other things too, but I would never be without my algae. The body recognizes it as whole food, not a manmade supplement, so responds accordingly. It’s like the difference between the Vitamin C in an orange and a capsule — your body knows exactly how to handle the orange and absorb the C; but it has to figure out the capsule and its contents, no matter how “natural” or organic (and unfortunately discards up to 90% of the vitamin C itself because it simply doesn’t “recognize” it).

And, by the way, every person in my household eats blue-green algae too, be they dog, cat, chicken, horse or human. I have two healthy horses who the vets say shouldn’t even still be alive, and one dog who should have arthritis build-up in his shoulders but has no sign of it. I attribute all of this to the algae.

If you suffer from allergies or feel like you have a poor immune system,  you might give blue-green algae a try. You can read all about it  HERE and can order it on my website HERE. Try starting with a package of the “Essentials.” I hope it works for you as well as it always has for me!


If you’d like to read more about why blue-green algae is so powerful:

What’s the Big Deal About Super Blue-Green Algae?

26 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Shirley Burton said,

    Hi Leta…..enjoyed reading about green algae. Also, I perused the rest of your blog about the Mustangs. Really beautiful horses and interesting narration. I think you’re on to something for publication, if you aren’t already planning that. The NY Times had an article yesterday about a website that sets up a magazine for individuals, groups, etc. The site is One suggestion is that blogs can be published in print for circulation to friends and groups. Check it out. I am.

    You’re inspiring.


    • 5

      Karthik said,

      Hi, nice blog. we live in Austin, TX which has similar pollens. my daughter is going through serious eczema. She is having probiotics which I am not sure how much it is helping. I got this blue green Algae product made by simplexity. we will get her started tomorrow on that. how long would it take to see any improvement for a 4 yr old?

      • 6

        What algae product is your daughter starting on tomorrow? Please let me know the exact, specific product, and perhaps I can help you. And email me direct at leta @ gmail . com (without the spaces). Hope I can be of help.

      • 7

        The Alpha Sun should be fine for her. Depending on the cause of her allergy, I can’t really tell you how long it might take for the algae to help her, but just know it does strengthen the immune system, and allergies are an immune response. Hopefully she will respond quickly since she is so young. Possible causes of this could be wheat, dairy, or some other food, or a contact dermatitis. You might do well to read about and conduct an elimination diet for her so you can better pinpoint what is setting her off. Good luck, and I hope the algae does help. Oh – yes, that email address is correct, but I deleted your message with it, as that can be a target for viruses and “spiders” (when an email is reflected intact) – at least that’s my understanding. Also, fyi, I keep my active blog on my main website now at Would you mind posting there in the future? I’d love to hear a follow-up on your daughter after she’s been on the algae a couple of week to a month. Thanks!

  2. 9

    […] can read about my personal experience with the algae (because, after all, it IS for humans too) at HOW BLUE-GREEN ALGAE HELPED HEAL MY ALLERGIES. REMEMBER: YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. AND SO IS FIDO!!! Possibly related posts: (automatically […]

  3. 11

    Cool site, love the info. I do a lot of research online on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,

    A definite great read.. 🙂


    • 12

      Thanks, Bill, for both your comments. It is helpful and gratifying to know that maybe some of what I’m writing about will be of use to people and isn’t just all fluff! Thanks again! Leta

  4. 13

    Excellent site, keep up the good work. I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,

    A definite great read.. 🙂


  5. 14

    […] READ MY PERSONAL STORY OF HOW BLUE-GREEN ALGAE HELPED ME HEAL MY ALLERGIES, ALMOST 20 YEARS AGO, GO HERE. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Food for the Lazy DieterAssignment #4Here, let us […]

  6. 15

    There’s good info here. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your blog. Keep up the good work mate!

    Robert Shumake Fifth Third

  7. 17

    TSwain said,

    I don’t usually reply to posts but I will in this case, great info…I will add a backlink and bookmark your site. Keep up the good work!

  8. 19

    Brandy said,

    I’ve been looking for some natural remedies for my boyfriend and he asked me to goggle blue green algae and I came across your post. I think I will purchase some for him….you’ve sold me on the idea.

    Hope it works

    Thanks again!!!

    • 20

      Terrific, Brandy! Keep me posted and let me know how your boyfriend likes the algae and if you need any help or have any questions about it. You should try it too! Thanks for posting — and ordering!

  9. 21

    […] READ MY PERSONAL STORY OF HOW BLUE-GREEN ALGAE HELPED ME HEAL MY ALLERGIES, ALMOST 20 YEARS AGO, GO HERE. September 26th, 2009 | Tags: Alan Joel, Blue Green Algae, Simplexity Essentials, tough times | […]

  10. 22

    […] How Blue-Green Algae Helped Heal My Allergies September 12th, 2009 | Tags: Anti-Oxidants, Arthritis Pain, Free Radicals, Heart Dogs, Joint Pain, Joint Stiffness, Old Dogs, Super Sprouts and Algae | Category: Blue Green Algae, Case Reports, Dogdom, Health & Healing, Leta's Blog, Personal Stuff, Superfood for Your Animals .. and You […]

  11. 23

    […] My Algae Story August 29th, 2009 | Tags: Balance, Emotions, healing, Health Options, Illness, Natural Food Supplements, Windows of Opportunity | Category: Health & Healing, Leta's Blog, Personal Stuff, Superfood for Your Animals .. and You, Uncategorized […]

  12. 24

    […] My Algae Story August 22nd, 2009 | Tags: health and wellness, the missing link | Category: Health & Healing, Leta's Blog, Superfood for Your Animals .. and You […]

  13. 25

    […] My Algae Story: How Blue-Green Algae Helped Heal My Allergies […]

  14. 26

    […] can read about my personal experience with the algae (because, after all, it IS for humans too) at HOW BLUE-GREEN ALGAE HELPED HEAL MY ALLERGIES. REMEMBER: YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. AND SO IS FIDO!!! June 30th, 2009 | Tags: blue-green algae for […]

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