Animal Communication – Being a “Clear Channel”

can & string telephoneNot that talking to animals is channeling. That’s not what I mean. In fact, as we have emphasized many times before, animal communication is a telepathic conversation, not a psychic phenomenon. Yes, sometimes psychic signals do come into the picture because some people are gifted in that arena, but one does not have to be psychic to be an animal communicator.

What I mean by being a clear channel is making sure that you are clear as a bell and sharp as a tack when you undertake an animal communication session.  Some reading this blog may not be old enough to have ever used the old-style radios that had knobs for dialing in stations, turning the radio on and off, adjusting the volume, etc. There were many versions, but they looked kind of like this:

old radio

The problem with all those knobs was that they were strictly mechanical so not always real accurate. You could tune in a station just fine … for a while, but then it would often start becoming fuzzy and distorted because the mechanical rotor or wheel rolled slowly off the mark.

This is kind of what can happen when you practice animal communication too. You can lose your clarity real easily and not be able to pick up or convey messages accurately, thereby benefiting no one and potentially doing some harm. There are lots of things that can cause this. For example, you can:

  • start thinking you know everything, so it’s real easy to form opinions about a situation you are dealing with;
  • allow personal judgment to enter into a session, especially if what you are talking about is a sensitive topic;
  • become emotional because you’re dealing with a difficult issue;
  • become influenced by information you are given about the animal or the situation;
  • decide you just plain don’t like the client or her animal so bias your reporting accordingly.

Those are just a few examples of things that can get in the way of being a clear channel when doing animal communication. Most of them are just your ego trying to run the show.

Being able to step outside yourself and observe your own unclear reactions and responses is key in learning to do animal communication. You are many things: a translator, an ally, a mediator, and a diplomat, to name a few. Most importantly, your job is to help resolve the issues that are brought to you, through clear communication,  in order to benefit the relationship between human and animal, regardless of any opinions you may have.

After a while it becomes pretty easy to tell when you’re not a clear channel. When you sense any of the above beginning to creep into your psyche, it’s time to bow out of the job. Losing clarity happens to all of us animal communicators at one time or another; it’s just important to be able to recognize it when it happens and then proceed appropriately.

8 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    […] else without even realizing it. And THAT can be a real problem. Especially when trying to remain a clear channel for your animal communication […]

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    bestsandiegopsychics said,

    When I learned to meditate a number of years ago, I had an immediate response to meditation…besides feeling “blissed out” for a number of months, and having a sense of Peace, I noticed that I became attractive to all kinds of animals, wild, domestic and pets. My first feelings about this was animals have a heightened awareness of safe beings, as my state was that of LOVE, they must have felt that and felt an attraction to me. I noticed human babies doing the same thing. I would love any feedback on this from the experts.

    • 4

      Hi Robert,
      Well I think you said it. Every emotion we have puts out wavelengths of energy into the space around us. You know how you can just feel it when someone is angry? Whether you know them or not? Well, same principle applies to love and peace energy. So welcome to the St. Francis of Assissi Club! And thanks for posting about this. Great thing to post about.

      • 5


        I am so very glad to have found your blog and you. Good to be in the club!

        I teach meditation and host yoga and when the meditation is over, or the yoga is over, the energy of the space is so good…like a warm blanket. I describe the feeling as La-La…and I love it. We practice yoga outdoors on the cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean in La Jolla. I am constantly surrounded by the biggest crows. I think they want to join us or play the game…pooh on the yogi. Have an awesome week.



      • 6

        Thanks so much, Robert. I am so pleased you like the site. I love the image of your classes on the bluff with that beautiful vista! Ours here, in the high desert just south of Santa Fe, is beautiful too, but in a very different way. Four mountain ranges on all sides make it quite dramatic, and our NM sky can’t be beat. I’ve been here just over two years and adore it. Our feathery playmates are ravens, one of which my yearling Great Pyrenees, Bear, is just positive she’s going to catch in flight any day now! They tease her unmercifully! Thanks for posting. Leta

  3. 8

    […] else without even realizing it. And THAT can be a real problem. Especially when trying to remain a clear channel for your animal communication […]

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