Animal Communication: Is It Really For Animal Lovers?

This person obviously adores her mule (and her mule adores her!), but would she make a good animal communicator? Maybe . . . and then again, maybe not.

Yes! ……… but … well, maybe NO. It depends on why you want to do it.

I know that question sounds really stupid coming from an animal communicator. ALL animal communicators obviously love animals. They do, they surely do. So how in the world could animal communication NOT be a really good thing for an animal lover? Before you decide that I’m making a heretical, anti-animal communication, statement here, please allow me to explain.

I can’t tell you how many times, when asked why they are interested in animal communication, I’ve heard my students say things like:

“I like animals soooo much more than people!” or

“I want to learn how to do animal communication because I don’t really like people that much.” or

“I feel like I understand animals so much better than I do people.” or

“I don’t relate to people very well.”

A big UH-OH is the silent response in my head when I hear this kind of remark among serious animal communication students — for at least a couple of major reasons. And what then follows, throughout our workshop, is a careful process of not only helping this type of student learn to communicate with animals, but also to become familiar with the many people-oriented pitfalls and obstacles she will face if she chooses to do animal communication professionally.

The main hurdle for the animal-lover/people-shunner who practices animal communication is that the profession, if practiced carefully, conscientiously, and ethically, requires working with people first and foremost. It is people who are going to contact the communicator for help and with whom most of the communication is going to take place. As stated in an earlier blog, it is the animal communicator’s job to serve as an intermediary and translator between people and their animals and to help resolve issues with diplomacy and compassion. NOT a role for the faint of heart, and certainly not for someone who doesn’t like people.

The second obstacle on the road to becoming an effective animal communicator for the devout animal lover is that they are probably so intensely in tune with animals that they have become empathic sponges. This means that they often feel everything the animal is feeling, and perhaps the people around them too. This can be a very valuable asset in interpreting an animal’s situation, but unfortunately most such empaths can’t separate their own feelings from those they are picking up from others so the resulting “translation” becomes a mish-mash of confused information, and their psyche becomes overly burdened with emotions that don’t belong to them. And there is no way a person in this state can remain clear enough to conduct an effective communique between a human and an animal.

So if you’re thinking about becoming an animal communicator because of how much you adore our furry, feathered, and finned friends, think twice . . . and think carefully. T’ain’t necessarily an easy road for the devoted animal lover.



Animal Communication – Being a “Clear Channel”

Animal Communication – Protecting Your Power

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